Old Trees and New Trees

Just a small update, more to come later this week. All of our art assets are now coming together for a0.7, and things are starting to look pretty decent. Here you can compare the old trees (top) to the new models (bottom):

Game 2013-08-12 17-40-05-07

Unity 2013-11-19 19-03-16-80

Alpha 0.7 is still on target for in ~2 weeks’ time.

11 thoughts on “Old Trees and New Trees

  1. Awesome work guys with these new trees and grass update game for sure looks amazing, its one of those games that will be played for centuries like old neverwinter nights, it has so much content and fun gameplay also I love how you guys let ppl roll their own servers without ever worrying some big publisher shutting down the game like seems to be popular nowdays… overally this game will rock!!

    • Just to point out you mean decades, not centuries as that’s like for hundreds of years.

  2. Very nice! Is there any update on the game related to steam? Also will it eventually be put on steam early access, or released on steam when its finished?

  3. could you make the trees look better in higher settings (more polygons, more leaves)

  4. Just browsing the updates (which look great btw), thought I’d just say that this is, without question, the best Alpha game I have ever played. Took a little while to get everything worked out graphics-wise as I am using a 64-bit Wheezy/Jessie/Frankenstein-ish build, but in the end just updating to the newest NVidia driver (off their site, not the repos) solved most of my problems, everything else was just reading the logs and the standard Linux tinkering process of backup->modify->test->restore. It was much simpler than I thought it would be, major kudos to the devs. I’m very impressed by the team effort involved in making the vision for this game a reality, and would like you to know that I think this game will stand out as a milestone in it’s genre and I highly recommend it to everyone I know. Keep up the good work 😛

    Also, being able to roll your own server without paying royalties out the wazoo is pretty much “The Bomb”, as is… well, nearly everything else. Totally wish I’d found this while the Kickstarter was running.
