Beta 0.6 Released on Steam

We ran into some issues while adding a storyline to the adventure mode, so that has been pushed to the next build, again. But we’re getting pretty close there. Game balancing is also being focused on for the next build. For this build, we’ve fixed a lot of bugs, added some new things, and tweaked a bunch. The biggest change is with the replicator. We’re trying to separate the handheld replicator with the colony one. So that means we’re fine tuning the replication speed. The colony replicator with workers will be much, much faster than the handheld, this is still being worked on for the next build, so it’s not completely in yet. We hope to hear some feedback on this topic. Next build will be out next Friday-ish.


Fixed follower UI and colony UI not being consistent
Fixed AI being indecisive
Fixed AI pausing before action
Fixed AI not being able to lunge while running
Fixed Puja putting away weapon before attacking another target
Fixed sound stuttering
Fixed NPCs in the colony chasing one animal
Fixed Michael being pulled back to the colony on the swamp mission
Fixed NPC money not renewing each day in multiplayer adventure
Fixed the dayu not dropping the fish tail and scales each time
Fixed not being able to change the image type on the large map
Fixed iso beds speeding up time in multiplayer
Fixed Rol and Kayla mission conflict when cancelling one of the missions
Fixed adventure mode NPC death in vehicle ragdoll issue
Fixed Peter’s eyes model issue
Fixed colony repair machine UI issue
Fixed range weapon and mission UI having conflict
Fixed tutorial crash
Fixed collision on some desert city ruins
Fixed some plants when grown cannot be clicked on
Fixed RQAnimation crash
Fixed Gerdy turning in the healing machine in multiplayer
Fixed not being able to dodge right away when wielding dual weapons
Fixed NPCs being sent to 0,0 in story coop
Fixed L1 section collision issues
Fixed follower NPC UI issue when changing armor
Fixed random NPC not having any ammunition when made follower
Fixed BTMonster crash
Fixed NPC following the wrong player in story coop
Fixed UI blocking mouse access bug
Optimized loading and spawning
Optimized ragdoll
Tweaked bird sounds so that the player gets warned when attacked
Tweaked sellers of items in storymode so that if a npc dies, someone will still have the item
Tweaked guide wording for build mode
Tweaked some NPC stats
Tweaked animal spawn in caves
Tweaked ambient sound distance
Tweaked fusion plant to more output
Tweaked NPCs so they don’t get hungry or sleepy when under attack
Tweaked block type textures (will add more later)
Tweaked the speed at which the replicator operates, more objects will take more time
Tweaked the monorail so the player can get on or off without pointing at the rail
Tweaked build mode free camera so it can also penetrate water
Added prompt for player when the game is using the integrated gpu instead of the stand alone gpu
Added organic fertilizer to adventure mode
Added work icon for the follower when he/she’s working
Added the heat pack (more advanced than torches)
Added UI sound effects
Added more sound effects
Added cancel to the replicator
Added controller enable option in Options
Added controller remapping
Added plants dropping pigments
Added more variety to NPC colony foods
Added Puja/Paja sounds
Added Paja weapons
Added more voiceovers
Added damaged (not destroyed) blocks in colony shield auto regenerate
Added 2 robot bosses to adventure mode
Added colony medical facility giving medicine to the storage
Added Chinese to the creation system