Beta 0.41 Released on Steam

A small patch.

Fixed character transparency issue after death
Fixed NPC missing at 0,0 point when another NPC tries to find him/her
Fixed NPC some skills descriptions being wrong
Fixed NPCs not hitting Paja and Puja laying on the ground
Fixed blurry font being checked in options on default
Fixed random missions sometimes not saving correctly
Fixed processing facility workers suffocating
Fixed build mode instructions not consistant with actual controls
Fixed follower dying and not moving bug after getting released
Tweaked pickaxe speed so it’s faster
Tweaked monorail joints so that it auto adjust to obstacle height and delete trees in the path
Tweaked Andy guidance UI
Tweaked fish tail and scales to rare items
Tweaked colony animations
Added option for having prompt for gathering in options
Added ending cg
Added colony sound effects
Added Allen Carter voiceover