A0.888 Released on Steam Beta

We waited a couple of weeks for Unity to fix a crash bug in 5.2, but it’s still not released yet, so we’ll just go ahead and release the current build rolled back to 5.0. This build added several things that players have been looking forward to, the most important being the first person view. This isn’t complete yet in this build, we’ll still be adding in first person specific animation in future builds. Next we’ve added back in the bird enemies with new behavior and animation, again, this isn’t complete, we have a lot more behavior sets and animations to add. It does give you a pretty good idea where birds will end up. With birds in the game, we’re almost done streamlining the storyline to where we can start adding in new missions and contents. We’re still on course to have a0.9 out by late November.


Fixed issue with NPC skills saving in multiplayer
Fixed issue with multiplayer AbnormalCondition
Fixed issue with IK and effects being at the wrong place
Fixed issue with colony storage and items bag not synchronizing
Fixed issue with NPC original clothing disappearing after putting on new clothing
Fixed issue with NPC not able to change cloth after a few changes of clothing
Fixed issue with not being able to learn new skills in the skill tree
Fixed issue with NPC changing jobs
Fixed issue with colony UI
Changed player attack animation and feel
Changed Items UI icons
Changed Character UI setup
Optimized grass generation, at least 20% faster
Optimized Character UI rendering
Added NPC being able to sleep to regain stamina in colonies
Added NPC skills (go gather, go hunt, etc)
Added NPC in colony jobs being affected by their skill sets
Added first person view, press F3 (no first person animation yet)
Added new aerial enemy behavior and animation
Added the medical facility to the colony
Added random diseases
Added the ability to form teams in multiplayer survival mode